Three Career Intentions for the New Year | JurisTemps

December 2, 2022

3 Career Intentions for 2023

Every year, about 40% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions. Less than 10% are successful in keeping them. When it comes to career goals, the percentages are even lower: 20% of professionals set career goals and just 8% achieve them. There’s something about the idea of a resolution that feels restricted and finite. To increase your odds of success, consider making career intentions instead.

What’s the difference?

Resolutions tend to be tasks you can check off a list: lose 10 pounds, work out three times a week, drink 16 oz. of water every day. Intentions are broader, allowing us the space to experiment and discover what works best for us at any given time, which makes them easier to accomplish. Here are three career intentions to consider as you look to the year ahead.

Career Intention #1: Shake it up

There is an adage that says, “doing what you’ve always done will get you what you’ve always gotten.” That’s probably why if you want to make changes or improvements, it makes sense to try something new. Going where you’ve not gone before can help shake up the status quo. The job market is highly competitive right now, so unless you’ve got more top talent than you can handle, it’s worth considering what you can do differently. Statistics show that companies with more diverse teams are more profitable, according to a 2021 McKinsey study. They also have higher innovation revenues. It’s unlikely that the traditional recruiting tactics you’ve been using for years will get you there.

Examine the tools you use with fresh eyes. Is it time to update job descriptions? And if so, it may also be time to update your onboarding and training processes. Quarterly and annual review templates might need a refresh, as well, so that they align with those job descriptions. As competitive as the recruiting market is now, it’s worth your time to review your job postings, too. Rather than simply create a long list of necessary qualifications, let potential candidates know what’s in it for them by sharing details about what they’ll learn, how they’ll grow, and opportunities for advancement.

Career Intention #2: Slow it down

The last few years have brought fast-paced changes leading to haphazard solutions. In 2023, commit to putting the hasty decisions of last year behind you. Leaders reap what they sow, and giving yourself permission grants permission for those in your charge, as well. Taking a few tasks off your plate and passing them on to someone with the right experience will allow you to focus on what you do best. If you’re not sure where to find the right talent, bring in reinforcements in the form of placement firms.

These firms can also help fill gaps during the busiest vacation timeframes like summer and holidays. If you rarely use your full vacation package, let this be the year you do. Start planning now to fill in the blanks with talented temporary workers, and make sure you allow your staff to do the same. Giving yourself grace models the same behavior for your employees. And when your employees know that you’re committed to not only their success, but their well-being, your retention rates are likely to improve as well.

Career Intention #3: Learn it all

Let 2023 be the year you focus on your own personal development and work towards making your professional dreams come true. Soak up industry knowledge by following companies that share content you admire, connect with new professional groups, engage with your community, and allow yourself time to take it all in. That might mean trying out a new technology, working in a new area of your legal career, or taking steps towards your dream of working for yourself. Let go of outdated thinking and jump into opportunities that allow you to experience a new role or field. Temporary roles are ideal for testing out a new career path or creating a new revenue stream until your own business is off the ground.

Career changes can be intimidating, but more than half (52%) of employees in the U.S. are considering it according to a Fast Company – Harris poll. If your legal career feels a bit stalled it might be time to explore another specialty or switch environments (corporate legal department to a law firm, for example). Consider testing the waters with a temp assignment in different areas to see what interests and/or suits you best.

Through continuous networking efforts, JurisTemps offers access to passive job seekers who may not be easily found despite countless job postings and numerous classified ads. Learn more here and submit your confidential staffing request.

Find more tips, trends, and techniques to find top legal talent, simplify and speed up the recruitment process, and improve retention at The Docket.